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We understand that reaching out about your wellbeing can sometimes feel slightly scary. We have created a few tips in regard to this to try and help with the process.

Choose a place and time you feel comfortable. Allowing yourself a space in which you feel relaxed can often help when talking about something that is worrying you. Also allowing yourself enough time to engage in conversation with limited distractions can also be a benefit.

Be completely honest and authentic. Make sure you are speaking to someone you feel comfortable enough to be honest with, making sure to foster genuine connections, making it easier for others to relate.

Don’t be afraid to express your feelings. Vulnerability can foster a deeper connection. Share the way you feel openly, as this can help others understand the depth of your situation.

Propose specific ways in which the other can help. If you are aware of how another could possibly help, make sure to tell them so you can benefit from reaching out.

Be patient. Understand that although you were the one who reached out for support, the other may need some time to configure how they will approach this subject and establish ways in which they can help you. Also understand that others may have a busier schedule and may need time to free some space. This does not mean you are less of a priority; it can come as a shock to people sometimes.

Offer reciprocity. If appropriate, offer willingness to reciprocate support in the future. This will build a mutual support system and help to strengthen the relationship. Also allowing space to keep in touch can create a sense of stability and comfort.

Express gratitude. After receiving support, express your gratitude once more. Let the person know how their support made a positive impact on you.

Remember, seeking support is a courageous step. Approach the conversation with openness, honesty, and a genuine appreciation for the support you’re seeking.